Today is the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary. It is a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church and my first time as celebrant for a Solemnity at this church so it is a very meaningful day for me.
When I think about the experiences Mary must have had as the mother of Our Savior I simply envy the incredible depth of her faith in her son. Imagine that you've given birth to a wonderful lovely healthy baby boy; all the hopes and dreams you have for him. And she and her loving husband raise this child – such a beautiful image we have of the Holy Family and especially of motherhood.
But remember too, that this was no ordinary child and that his life was not an ordinary life. And so where there were so many hopes and dreams, she also endured the sight of her son as he, harassed and humiliated, carried his cross on his way to Calvary simply because he was different. And so we know that Mary was an extraordinary woman of unbelievable strength and for this reason, she holds a special place both in our hearts and in Heaven.
I don't think though, that you have to be Mary or Jesus or particularly holy to take this story into your own lives. The feeling of being different, whether you look really really different or simply have different ideas than the people around you is not confined to Jesus. Nor is the feeling a mother must have when she experiences some unexpected tragedy or turn in her child's life that leads her to say, "This isn't what I expected" specific to Mary. That's why this day and Mary's reward resonates so strongly for us I think. We can understand her experience and through her, grow closer to her Son.
By sharing in her Son's triumph over death, anxiety, darkness, and pain – Mary shows us our future. She is with God and so too shall we be.
Thank you.
--Fr. Kurt
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